Therapeutic Responses to Challenging Behaviour
CourseThere are many approaches and strategies parents and Foster Carers use when responding to challenging behaviour, however, research shows some work better than others, particularly with children who have experienced trauma.
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Structural Family Therapy Ideas and Fostering
CourseThis course considers how family structures can affect the way children interact in their foster home, how boundaries & roles were organised in the young person’s family of origin, how interventions help a child adapt to healthier rules & boundaries.
Compassion Fatigue
CourseCompassion Fatigue is a term used to describe the physical, emotional & biological responses that occur when people in helping professions are exposed to trauma.This training is designed to help professionals recognise & manage compassion fatigue.
Relational Risk Taking
CourseRelational Risk Taking is a natural position that people take when they want to create better relationships. This is a therapeutic idea from the late Barry Mason, aimed at bringing more closeness and shared understanding in fostering relationships.
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Health and Safety
CourseThe aim of health and safety is to foster a safe working environment. Young children are not able to assess risks properly themselves; therefore, it is vital that we know how to keep them safe and how to also teach them safety in the home.
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The Fostering Task
CourseThis training will build on information learnt in the Skills to Foster training. It’s designed to build the depth of knowledge required by all active foster carers, allowing them to become professionals in their own right.